Sunday, November 13, 2011

Are you happy?

Happy? That may be a word that you don't think about very often. Or if you do, it may only be long enough to reminisce about past happiness, or maybe to wonder if it is even possible to be happy at this point in your life.

The challenges of helping a loved one facing illness can feel especially hard to face during certain times of the year like upcoming holidays when so many of the people around us appear to be living it up, at least on the surface. But if you’re dealing with medication regimens, diet limitations, mobility challenges, symptoms, side effects… all the summer pressures to go-go-run-run can leave you feeling that you spent life sitting on the sidelines or, on the other hand, tried to keep up and chasing your own tail until you got tired of running.

Happy? What are you, crazy?

Here is an article on my Website that talks more about happiness.

Real happiness starts with your own attitude and your expectations -- or not having expectations. Not judging yourself. Giving into the moment, and seeing what's possible, the joy in each moment. And that means that we all have an equal opportunity to find and grab onto happiness, regardless of the challenges we might be facing.

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled upon your blog when I searched 'caregiver burnout' and I'm so glad I found it.

    I read all the posts on this blog and it's really great to find someone who understands all the insanity that goes along with being a caregiver.

    I never thought I'd be in my late 30s doing this. So many things are not what I thought they'd be. And as a student majoring in Psychology, you'd think I'd better be able to cope with all this, but all my studies are proving to be useless when put into actual practice.

    I'm really sorry that your mother passed away. I'm sure it was an incredibly difficult thing to do through.

    I look forward to reading any future posts from you on this blog and I thank you for providing some support to others going through this situation.
