Friday, December 2, 2011

Your middle name isn't God.

Being a caregiver, and all the uncertainty around it, can leave you feeling out of control. Scary decisions to be made. Treatments with unfamiliar side effects. Emotions all over the place. And when humans feel out of control, they begin to fear what we all fear the most: helplessness. Some days you want to micromanage your loved one's life, other days you may want to run for the hills. But consider this: we are not in control of what happens in our lives. Life happens as it happens. Trying to have control over everything is trying to play God, and that's a lose-lose proposition. So, unless your middle name is God, can you give yourself a break? Take a look at what you can control and stop trying to control the uncontrollable. Take life one day at a time. THIS day. Not tomorrow. You don't control that either. Take a deep breath and relax. Live in the moment. Take care of yourself.

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